Friday, November 9, 2012

Often there are MANY rainbows after a hurricane...

I wanted to share my post from the other day that I had on my Facebook Page.  Update, as of late yesterday afternoon, day 11 without power & as the FEMA lady stood in my living room, we were blessed with power.  However, my heart goes out to those more affected by Hurricane Sandy because my damage was NOTHING in comparison to so many others.  And as much as not having power for so long was "trying" it is just a matter of "inconvience" in the big picture of things.  Please continue to reach out to those in need.  Near & far, every person CAN make a difference and EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS!! 
Here's my post:
The night of the hurricane my daughter had been listening to Katy Perry's "Fireworks" song and she asked me if the lyrics were true: "after a hurricane there's a rainbow"? I told her you could only hope. The past few days we've truly been overwhelmed with the generosity, love, caring & kindness of our neighbors/community, friends (old & new), and our families during this challenging time.  
I cannot begin to thank all of you--whether you have helped my family in our needs, checked up on us, etc. &/or have helped others in need that you don't even know. 
My house may still be cold, but my heart is on fire! So tonight I told my daughter that although they may not all look the same, YES there are MANY 'rainbows' after a hurricane! 
Thanks for being our 'rainbow' & know that it is truly appreciated!! XO

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