Friday, August 31, 2012

Manage your anger...Control, Alt, Delete!

Power2theCore feels a healthy "core" doesn't just involve your physical core.  It also includes mental well being.  As summer comes to end and a new season begins, often it brings added stresses of kids new schedules,  job responsibilities, more deadlines for work as end of year deadlines approaches, family holidays, etc.  We  definitely get more stressed and often take out our stress on those around us.  Tempting as it may be to scream at someone that stressed you out or anyone around you, you're better off giving yourself a mental "time out".

According to Ronald Potter-Efron, PH.D., therapist and author of Healing the Angry Brain he says we should follow the 4 'R' rule:
Recognize you're losing control
Retreat before you go over the top
Relax by taking a walk or reading
Return to the situation when you are ready to deal productively

Another way to think of it:  "Control, Alt, Delete" (as pictured here).  Control yourself.  Find an alternative solution.  Delete the situation that gives you tension (and that doesn't mean you need to remove that situation completely, just delete by walking away for a little while to "diffuse" that tension!)

So the next time you feel you're about to lose it stop and remember the 4 R rule or what I mentioned as Control, Alt, Delete. Please don't take it out on those around you, it can lead to many resentful feelings.  Keep in mind that once you say it you cannot take it back and often it's very difficult to mend the hurtful feelings those words have caused.  Is it really worth it?  I think not.  Instead, be the better person that you are and take your own "time out" (PS: I find a good workout or run helps me think more clearly and I know many have told me the same helps them!)'ll most certainly come out feeling better if you take the high road--right down to your core!

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