Saturday, September 1, 2012

Change IS good-right to the core! So go ahead & change it up!

Here in the Northeast Mother Nature is about to change her seasons--which also means change in schedules, sporting events, etc... We will go from warm, sun-filled days to cooler, crisper ones and leaves changing from greens to beautiful shades of various Fall colors.

Like Mother Nature's changing seasons, sometimes we need to change our daily habits too.  We often become creatures of habit and that tends to get boring and doesn't really challenge us.  Well, now IS the time for change!  Some people need to take 'baby steps' to face any change and that's certainly fine.  No need to do anything drastic and feel stressed over the change (you'd be surprised, many people do!)  Simple 'adjustments' in our routines can be made without having totally disrupting our lives.   And those simple adjustments can make a huge, positive, difference!

 Here are some suggestions:
*If you typically head to the gym when you first wake, get outside and hit the pavement instead of the treadmill.
*Do you take walks in your neighborhood ?  Instead of heading out of your house or apt. and turning right go left (different direction can have you looking at things you see daily totally differently!)
*Ride a bike outdoors? Then find a different bike route &/or go a different direction (that's if you safely can of course!)
*Walk alone?  Today ask a friend to join you.
*Use the same dinner plates and silverware every night? Tonight take out "the good stuff" if you have some (why save it for a fancy event or company right?)
*Try eating breakfast outside if it's a nice morning--why stay indoors?

Get the picture?  As I've said before, I practice what I preach!  Most mornings I do my blog on my laptop inside.  Today I decided to "change" and instead I'm sitting outside on my deck listening to the deck fountain that I have--the waterfall sounds are so peaceful!  It is SO relaxing---why haven't I done this before?  And that's my point: if you don't make a small change you'll never know all that you could be missing--more importantly benefiting from.  So go ahead, change IS good for your core being, so reward yourself and CHANGE IT UP!!

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