Monday, January 28, 2013

Hail to Kale!!

A friend recently mentioned how she is "addicted" to Kale Chips. I found it ironic that just a few days prior another friend asked me if I've ever eaten Kale Chips (my answer: NO.  In fact, I've never eaten kale, ever!) I grew even more curious to try it when I heard my friend's "addiction" has actually rubbed off on her kids! (In fact, her one daughter thanked her for making more! Really?! My kids don't thank me for ANY veggies, especially kale!! They only thank me for chocolate!)  Other people have said the same-their kids eat it by the bowlful and cannot get enough!

So this past weekend I was off to the market on a
kale mission. Once home with the leafy, green bunch I Googled a recipe and found it so simple
(and trust me, if I thought it was simple, then it really was!) OK, so how about the taste? Fantastic!! I can absolutely see why my friends are talking about these chips--not only are they so healthy, but they are so yummy!
However, please be sure to cook them sooner vs later! My one friend made that mistake by waiting a few days to bake them and I guess the kale aged enough that she said the taste was bitter and horrible!! 
Read on for the MANY health benefits of this wonder veggie, as well as the Kale Chip recipe.....

Kale is a nutritional powerhouse and is beneficial to your body in more ways than you can imagine.
One cup of kale has zero fat, only 36 calories and is high in vitamins and antioxidants.
You can eat this green raw or cooked. Aside as baked chips, you can enjoy kale in salads, soups, stews, stir-fries, omelets and smoothies.

Detoxification and Weight loss:
*The fiber (5 grams in one cup) and sulfur in kale aid with digestion and liver health.
*The Vitamin C it contains hydrates your body and increases your metabolism, leading to weight loss and healthy blood sugar levels.
*The fiber in kale also lowers cholesterol.

Strengthen your Immune System:
*The vitamin A and C in Kale improves your immune system and fights off viruses and bacteria.
So if you feel like you’re getting a cold, add some kale to your diet.
*Kale has more iron than beef, making it a great source of this valuable mineral for vegans and vegetarians. It helps more oxygen get to your blood and greatly helps those who are anemic.

Healthier Hair, Skin & Nails:
*The healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids keep your body strong, healthy and beautiful from the inside out.
*Kale gives your skin a beautiful hue as well as preventing wrinkles and loose skin.
*This green also protects your skin from UV rays.

See Clearly and Stand Strong:
*Vitamin A keeps your eyes from optical diseases that come with age.
It also helps store vitamins in the retina.
*The calcium and vitamin K and D keep your bones strong.
And if you have stiff joints, the Vitamin C keeps them flexible.

*The omega-3 fatty acids in kale help fight and alleviate arthritis, autoimmune disorders and asthma.
*The vitamin C provided helps relieve stiff joints and makes them more flexible and less painful.

Fighting Disease:
*Kale aids in releasing toxins in the body that can cause and lead to life-threatening diseases. It helps fight off and alleviate various cancers, especially colon, prostate and ovarian.
*The vitamin K helps with Alzheimer’s disease as it may forestall the effects of mental aging.
*The folic acid and B6 provide cardiovascular support and prevent heart disease.

Here's the easy recipe that I followed:
From The Cleaner Plate Club
by Beth Bader and Ali Benjamin
(Storey Publishing)

With this recipe, you want the chips to be both crispy and bright green. If they start to brown, they can taste burned. If you find that the chips are browning before the kale is crispy, reduce the oven temperature.
Serves: 4
1 bunch kale, about 12 ounces
2 tablespoons olive oil
Kosher or Sea Salt
Preheat oven to 350° F.
Wash the kale, dry thoroughly in a salad spinner, and tear into bite-size pieces. Toss in a large bowl with the olive oil. Rub the leaves to make sure each gets a coating of oil so they crisp up well.
Oil a baking sheet (or line with foil or parchment paper).
Place the kale in a single layer on the baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt to taste. Bake for about 6 minutes, then stir and turn the kale and bake for 6 to 9 minutes longer. Remove crisp pieces as they get done to prevent burning and to allow the remaining kale chips to get even heat.
(Note: you can also add a little vinegar to make a "salt & vinegar" chip. Just add a little vinegar when coating with oil.)
I stored my leftover chips in a sealed Ziploc bag. The next day they were still delicious, just a bit softer. I'd imagine a paper bag would absorb some of the oil and would be another good storing option.

"6 Top Health Benefits of Kale" by Rachel Braun for "VegKitchen" (1/19/12)



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