Tuesday, November 27, 2012


In our society today, we expect everything to happen fast (I believe it's thanks mostly to modern technology).  We often forget that progress takes time and things don't happen "overnight"
(even though we'd like them to!) 

With any new "project" you need to be patient and know that the results will come in due time.
If, for example, you have begun a fitness program it takes time to see the results. Often when training someone I'll tell them not to give up!   So i that person is holding a traditional plank for the first time they might only be able to hold it for a few minutes--that's fine as long as their form is correct and they are trying their best.  A few weeks later that same plank, after weeks of working on it, they most likely will be able to hold it for much longer.  It took a while (slow progress), but they did it (success)!  It didn't happen overnight, but often the sense of accomplishment is now even more rewarding. 
The same thing if you are trying to lose weight--it takes time to see the number on the scale go down (remember, it took time to put it on and it will take time to take it off!)  Same holds true in our personal relationships--progress for positive changes don't happen quickly.  Instead we need to work on issues and situations not expecting things to magically "be better" and a quick fix.

So remember when you are working on anything it WILL TAKE TIME!  Don't give up!!  If you do then you are only cheating yourself.  In order to accomplish anything you need to take things day by day, moving foward with a positive attittude.  Never give up on the goals you are working on.  Stay focused, stay positive and you'll achieve what you are looking to in due time. 

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