Monday, September 17, 2012

What else are you "picking up" besides weights @ the gym?

While setting up for class this morning at one of my corporate fitness sites, I did what I always do before I start the class: take out the equipment we're going to use & began wiping it down.  Yes, before (and after) class!  No, I would not consider myself a germaphob, but when you think about it what could be more gross then someone laying on a mat sweating and then the next person doing the same and so on and so on?  We go to the gym to better our health, not make it worse right?   I always encourage my class participants to do the same, again before and after (also as a "courtesy" to the next person).
What else are you "picking up" when at the gym besides weights?  Could be more harm then you hoped. Gyms are big hosts of germs and germ activity. For example, did you know that Norovirus (a quick spreading virus which is the most common cause of gastroenteritis) can survive a month on the surface of a gym machine?  Fitness Magazine (Oct 2012) asked top experts to ID the biggest danger zones in the gym.  Following are the results where their germ meter scored highest:

Free Weights, Weight Machines, Exercise Ball:
This equipment is "high" with germs (various bugs & viruses) since so many people handle it.    
According to Philip Tierno Jr., Ph.D. (a clinical professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU Medical School & author of The Secret Life of Germs) "I've even found MRSA on an exercise ball in a gym."

*Prevention:  Wipe/spray down your equipment before and after use.  Every gym typically has something in the equipment area to use, but if not bring some from home.
(FYI: if your gym does not have anything in plain sight near the equipment, I highly suggest you speak to your gym's manager--again you are there for your health!  My thoughts: shame on them!)

Exercise Mat:
Ok, YUK!  This one gets me the most.  Think about it friends: when you are taking a class or working out in the gym and use a mat many times you are in prone position (face/belly down on the mat).  I'm not going to be nice here: how do you know your face is not exactly where someone's sweaty bottom was the last time this mat was used?  Got you thinking right?  Well good!  You should be thinking that way!  According to Fitness Magazines experts you could "be lying in a slew of microbes that can cause skin infections, athlete's foot, colds and flu, hepatitis A."  Need I say more?
My theory is this: if you can afford to join a gym, you can afford an inexpensive mat. I beg my class participants to do this for themselves and their health!  Go to your local fitness retailer where you can usually find a good selection of mats and carry bags.  If you need to save money skip the carry bag (that's just a matter of convenience and a string or large rubber band can certainly do the job!) head to your local dollar store or discount store where an inexpensive mat can be purchased.
(PS: be sure to wipe down your own mat after each use too!)

Locker Room:
In Fitness Magazine (Oct. 2012) Tierno states the following "the sweaty, humid locker room is the perfect petri dish for nasty buggers such as staph, strep and MRSA...the danger starts at ground level.  From outdoors, sneakers and other shoes track in fecal matter which harbors organisms that can give you stomach flu and hepititis A."
Be sure to wear flip flops or something on your feet!  And please, do NOT sit on the bench naked.  If you are thinking "really Core Chic Jodi, did you have to say that?" Oh yes I absolutely did--because I've seen it...gross!!

Other areas that the Fitness Magazine experts found "high" on the germ meter include:
Pool (something I learned from the magazine article and wanted to share with you:
the higher the smell of the chlorine then the dirtier the pool!
Chlorine releases its distinct smell as it reacts with microorganisms, therefore the stronger the chlorine smell, the dirtier the pool!)

Gym Bag
Towel (this surprised me. Turns out many gym towels harbor E. coli and MRSA since according to Tierno "most gyms use the same hamper to transport dirty towels and clean ones."  Gross indeed!!) 

Here's what the magazine found "medium" on their meter:
Water Bottle
Cardio Machines (this one also surprised me as I thought it would have fallen in the "high" category)

Remember: you are going to the gym for your health!  Please be proactive and wipe down before and after your workout/use of equipment.  Invest a few dollars in your own mat, as well as some disinfectant wipes &/or hand sanitizer gel to keep handy.  Wash hands with soap before and after working out.  Bring your own water bottle and towel.  Bring flip flops for the locker room.  Cover cuts and broken skin.  Clean out & wash your gym bag regularly (especially if transporting dirty, wet or sweaty clothing). Now that you know what to look for stay well and have a healthy workout!

Fitness Magazine, Oct. 2012
Philip Tierno Jr., Ph.D. & author of The Secret Life of Germs


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