Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Power2theCore journey....

Less then a month ago I began this blog, stemming from the encouragement of friends and family and then the upcoming TV segments that I was about to tape. Truth be told, in early August if you asked me what a blog was I was clueless!  But as I began to read more about the whole "blog" concept, one thing that kept coming up was: " order to be successful you need to follow your passion....the words should flow daily and be about something you truly believe in and want others to learn from and enjoy as well..." I knew that this was it--I had my topic, the timing was right and I was ready to begin.

Many late nights (reminiscent of the all-nighters back in my college days) and many tips from friends, on-line searches, books, You Tube tutorials, etc. I somehow got this blog up and going (maybe not the greatest, but it was a start, I was proud--especially since I often consider myself technically challenged.)  Even finding my Domain name was very time consuming (admittedly anyone that knows me well, knows that I a perfectionist.  I needed my Domain name to be "just right".  I felt it needed to encompass everything that I hoped this blog that I was going to create would fulfill.)   It was really fun having my friends get involved  too by suggesting some great names. (Note: I had posted on my Facebook wall that I needed suggestions....they came in for days. It not only kept me up all night, but some of my friends as well!  Some of them really taking on the "help find me a domain name challenge" to heart!  To those friends--you know who you are--I truly thank you for your time, patience and wonderful suggestions!)  Then one morning Power2theCore just came to me.  I had been thinking that I really wanted people to feel good about themselves when reading this blog--learn more about health, their lives, be motivated, get fit/stay fit...right to their heart, soul, mind, body...right to their core!!  Like the core of an apple, it's the center in everything we do & who we are.  When I teach Pilates, I am always speaking of focusing on the core and how important it is. What could be more appropriate then to have what I feel is most important to our overall well being, our core, also be linked in words to power?  And there it was: Power2theCore!

Today, just a few weeks later, I have hit my 1000 "view" mark!  I was happy when I hit 100!  I know some blogs hit over 500 a day and maybe one day I will.  But right now I am just putting one foot in front of the other, day by day.  Regardless of the number of views this blog gets, I am more proud when people tell me they have discussed some of my tips with their friends, co-workers, family, etc.  In today's high tech world of less & less verbal communication, I am so happy to hear that people are using things they read on this blog to actually communicate and utilize some of the topics as a form of open discussion (remember, I was a Speech Communication major at Syracuse, so I LOVE when people speak to each other and communicate!!  Communication is KEY in ANY relationship!!)  I am also pleased that the fitness tips I post here are benefiting people and their health.   Even if just 1 person learns something here to "improve" their health in some way, then I am happy & couldn't be more proud.

The journey continues and I'm sure it will only get better.  So my friends, once again I thank you for supporting me as we continue to watch this blog grow. 
Remember: a strong CORE = a foundation/center that's healthy, happy & overall fit--so Power2theCore!

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