Friday, October 19, 2012

Work hard & you WILL get positive results!

As a group fitness instructor nothing makes me happier then positive feedback from one of my class participants.  Today it happened twice!

First class I taught was my high/low intensity, quick "bursting" class.  Toward the end of the cardio portion, I often have them run laps around the indoor track.  I typically have them do the 1st lap as an intense sprint (to their capacity), followed by recovery walk, sprint again, recovery and so on.  I encourage them to challenge themselves on the sprints and not get lazy (I often tell them this is "their time, their workout...make it count!')  During the recovery walk one of the women said "I hate these, but keep pushing me!  It's helping my soccer game!"  After class she came to me to explain what she meant.  She told me that she plays on a woman's soccer league and they just had their first game last week. She said that she has been playing for years and has never played better--her endurance was the best ever!  She attributed this to her weekly conditioning in my class.  She said that she has totally seen how it has helped her and she thanked me for getting her there.  How great was that?  Absolutely sweet music to my ears!!

Later in the afternoon, while teaching my Pilate class, another woman came to me after class.  She was a bit older.  She said "those planks you've told me to do daily, well I took your advice and I'm doing them and Jodi I really feel the difference!  I have never moved better!....I feel so much stronger in my center, my back, the way I stand and move..."  I congratulated her and gave her a big hug!  I was thrilled!! 

WOW!  Two totally different women, two totally different type of classes--same result: they recognized the positive results their weekly workouts were doing for them and how they were now benefiting.  It took time, didn't happen overnight.  I always tell my classes that.  You cannot think that you will see results immediately, just like you won't feel the results until you've been doing them over time.

My point:  challenge yourself.  Stay focused and positive.  Don't get frustrated or discouraged--IT DOES TAKE TIME!  Once you have been doing the moves correctly for several weeks/months you will find that you have achieved something positive for YOURSELFNo one can take that from you!  Enjoy knowing that your hard work and dedication has truly paid off in so many ways.
Here's to your the CORE!

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