Monday, October 29, 2012

Riding out the storm (Frankenstorm '12)

With Hurricane Sandy quickly approaching, I feel exactly like I did while awaiting the birth of my first child: You know it's coming soon and at this point nothing is going to stop it.  You have thoroughly prepared and are as ready as you think you can be.  You know you have no choice now, but to just anxiously wait for the 'big event', praying you can handle all that comes with it!

Sending positive thoughts and prayers for my friends & family weathering this storm...
~Core Chic Jodi

Well friends, here in the Northeast portion of the USA (NJ to be exact) we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Sandy and all of her 'friends'.  They are calling this a Superstorm: a wicked combo of multiple storms & a full moon--all the fixings of a "perfect storm".  (They've also been calling it "Frankenstorm" being it's Halloween.)  I most probably am not going to be able to blog much, if any, in the next few days as we are expected to lose power & deal with Mother Nature's cruel Halloween trick.  I must put my energy into the safety of those around me. 

I'll admit that it's tough not to stress out during a crisis such as this. In fact, I've had a bit in my stomach and have been preparing for days now!  I do that.  I go into this sort of  'maternal nesting' mode of sorts.
I also start doing things that I don't always do to burn up some of my nervous energy (and my friends joke that I always have a LOT of energy, so just imagine it times 10!)
Case in point: this morning I have been up since 4am baking and such!!  Friends trust me - I am NOT a baker!  I am thankful at this hour for the box that is easy to use and adding a few ingredients, but why am I doing this at 4am?!  I don't need to think for long as I know the answer: it's my way of mentally 'surviving' as this is a distraction of sorts.  That's my way of doing things in order to try to assemble some type of order/balance during a time of crisis. Truthfully, for me at a time like this I need to 'move' in a different way.  I need to keep busy.  We're all different so it's fine if this is not how you handle stressful situations.  Some will find exercise is their cope mechanism.  Others may find balance in meditation.  We're all different, so we'll cope differently. Even taking the time to write this blog (as the wonderful smell of my pumpkin bread bakes) is helping.   How?  It's keeping my mind 'busy', away from the stressful thoughts of this quickly approaching storm.
If you are effected by any stressful situation, be sure to take care of YOU.  You need to do whatever it is that can safely help you 'weather the storm' and survive.  Stay focused on what's important and take things one moment at a time.  Find your "destress" trigger and put it to use!

Most importantly, I'm wishing safety too all those that are in Sandy's path.  May this storm help us reflect on the things most important in life and realize not to take things for granted.  Always remember that each day IS a gift.  Please don't sweat the small stuff & do more of what makes you happy!!

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