This is especially true in women and diabetics.
Classic symptoms include:
*Pain behind the breast bone with radiation down the left arm accompanied by sweating, nausea and occasional vomiting.
*Sweatiness is also one of the more common symptoms, often along with clammy palms.
*Pain in 1 or both arms, shoulders or back.
*Shortness of breath.
*Intense anxiety.
*Racing heartbeat that appears for no reason.
It's very important to be aware of other less common symptoms:
*Sleep disturbances & fatigue associated with a heart attack can come on suddenly or gradually over a period of days and can range from mild to severe.
*Indigestion which is usually accompanied by other symptoms including chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, sweatiness and pain or tightness in the arms, neck, upper back, or jaw.
*Lower jaw pain can be a telltale sign of a heart attack. However it is rarely the only symptom. Often it is accompanied by sweatiness, fatigue, shortness of breath and pain or discomfort in the neck, shoulders and chest.
*Dizziness or feeling lightheaded since during a heart attack, blood flow to the brain is restricted. Also feelings of euphoria &/or disorientation.
It is also important to note that many have NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL! A recent sturdy in Massachusetts found that about 25% of heart attacks were only discovered later during routine exams, because they gave off NO WARNING SIGNS! It is important to discuss with your physician your risk factors.
BE SURE TO KEEP ASPIRIN HANDY!! If you even think you are having a heart attack take an aspirin and call 911 IMMEDIATELY! You have NO time to waste here friends. You must ACT FAST! I now carry a few aspirin with me at all times "just to be safe". I keep some in my car, at home, in my purse and in my gym bag. You NEVER know when you or someone else may need it.
You can determine your 10 yr cardiac disease risk at:
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